Bulletin info for February 21, 2010

Worship Leader: Ben Schiedel
Song Leader: April Dardar



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Today is the first Sunday of Lent. Lent is the season during which we remember Jesus' final days before going to the cross. Our theme for Lent this year will be Holding On & Letting Go. As we move with Jesus toward the cross, we reflect on God's invitation to hold on and let go.

Today we begin a series of Children's times called Mission Friends, focused on friends and family who serve God in other countries. Today Cynthia Clymer shares about her sister, Renee Isaac, who is a missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Everyone is invited to the Pot Luck in the gym following the service.

The Jr. Youth will have a Scavenger Hunt at Bonita Lakes Mall this Saturday, February 27, from 1:00-3:30. Pick-up and drop-off will be at the food court.

Thanks for contributions toward the matching grant for Community of Hope! The $2,500 goal has been met. Even though the decision has been made to close the tutoring program at the conclusion of this school year, work is ongoing as there are several months remaining in this year. The ongoing support for the tutoring program from Jubilee is greatly appreciated!

Please check your mailboxes today for several items! The recent edition of the Gulf States Mennonite Conference newsletter, The Fellowship, is in your box along with the recent issue of Hello, the Mennonite Central Committee's children's newsletter. Last but not least, you'll find an interest survey for our service week in March!

A special gift for Haiti relief from Jubilee will be sent to Mennonite Central Committee. So far $2,620 has been given for this need. If you'd like to add to this amount, designate your gifts "Haiti Relief." Questions? See Cheryl Landis.

Offering for 2/14/10: $623 (budgeted $1,787.50). Year-to-date (8/1 – 2/14): $63,013 (budgeted $50,050).