Bulletin info for February 17, 2008

Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday School Opening: Elaine Maust
Greeter: Dianna Schiedel
Worship Leader: Jeff Landis
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs
Nursery: Gerri Thompson (SS), Diener Family



Today is the 3rd in our Red Letter Edition series. During the next several weeks, our sermons will explore the teachings of Jesus, and children's stories will feature characters from Jesus' stories or folks he met along the way.

Everyone is welcome to join us for a potluck meal in the gym following the service today! Come for food, fun, and fellowship. Scheduled for clean-up are the Shellys, Opels, and Baldwins. Questions, see Bonnie Opel.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Welcome to Dave & Louise Wideman and Stan & Sylvia Gallian, from Ontario. They are spending two weeks in Meridian and are working here at the church and at camp. We are grateful for their willingness to serve by coming to help us!

Gulf States Mennonite Women Cookbooks are on sale for $10 each. See Fern Diener if you would like to buy a copy.

Jr Youth, join us on Saturday afternoon for bowling at Dixie Lanes! We’re planning to meet at the bowling alley at 1:45. Parents can meet us back there at 4:00. See Cynthia, Regina, or Tim with questions.

The annual Work Day/Association Meeting for Pine Lake Fellowship Camp will be held Saturday, March 1. Work begins at 8:00 am. The Association Meeting will begin at 2:00. Come for a fun day of work and planning for the future of Pine Lake. For more info or if you need lodging, call the camp office at 601-483-2267 or email pinelakecamp@bellsouth.net.

Happy Birthday to T'onna Neal (Feb 20)!