Bulletin info for February 14, 2010
Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm
This Week at Jubilee...
This is the last Sunday in our Covenant series. Today we will recommit ourselves to God and to Jubilee through the Jubilee Covenant.
This afternoon, friends of Regina Martinez will marry at Jubilee. Wedding preparations will begin this morning. Please use the 28th Ave. or 9th Street entrances when you leave the building today. Questions? See Regina.
Everyone is invited to Bible Study on Wednesday night. A simple meal will be served at 6:00 in the gym. Worship begins in the sanctuary at 6:45. Classes include: Center Stage (for children), Sermon on the Mount: Wealth & Worry (Matthew 6:19-34), and Hot Topics: Does God Prefer Poor People? The Sojourners' Classroom will be a quiet place to pray. Questions? Talk to Anita Wansley.
Next Sunday is potluck Sunday! Please plan on bringing your favorite dishes to share and stay for the fellowship! Questions, see Anita Wansley.
The Community of Hope board of directors is currently working on raising funds for a matching grant. If the board can raise $2,500, a donor will contribute $2,500. The amount yet needed to meet this goal is $500. Anyone from Jubilee who would like to contribute, please contact Cynthia Clymer, Gerri Thompson, Kimberly Stubblefield, Christine Maust Beachy, or Lisa Shelly. Thanks to Jubilee for ongoing support that is provided in many ways for Community of Hope Tutoring Program!
It is still not too late to share your voice! How is God inviting Jubilee to grow in the next five years? Who will be our new leaders? When will it be time for us to begin a new church? Please share your reflections with someone on the Pastors/ Elders Team or drop them in the box in the hall. Questions? See Duane or Elaine Maust.
How is God inviting Jubilee to serve this community? A prayer group is forming that will seek God's direction for our future service. If you would like to join this group, please talk to Elaine Maust.
The February edition of Jubilee's newsletter is in your mailbox today.
Please check your mailboxes today for a congregational/pastoral review form. This is an information gathering tool from the PCRC. Please complete this form and return it in the provided envelope to a PCRC member. Questions? See Paul Shelly.
A special gift for Haiti relief from Jubilee will be sent to Mennonite Central Committee. So far $2,620 has been given for this need. If you'd like to add to this amount, designate your gifts “Haiti Relief.” Questions? See Cheryl Landis.
Offering for 2/7/10: $3,583 (budgeted $1,787.50). Year-to-date (8/1 – 2/7): $62,390 (budgeted $50,050).
Happy Birthday to John Opel (Feb 16) and T'onna Neal (Feb 20), and Happy Anniversary to William & Dee Colton (today)!