Bulletin info for February 1, 2009
Church Education Sunday
Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Chris Wansley
Jubilee welcomes our revival preacher, Steve Longenecker. Steve is the pastor of Grace and Truth Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Thanks for coming and for challenging us this weekend, Brother Steve!
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Women's Retreat is coming up next month! Women, mark your calendars for Saturday, February 21, to be together at Pine Lake Camp for a spiritually uplifting day of challenge and encouragement. The speaker is Bonnie Neufeld, co-pastor of Markem Mennonite Church in Chicago. Call PLFC for Lodge Room reservations, if needed. The host church is Open Door Mennonite. For more info, see Fern Diener.
Jubilee is grateful to own the condemned Music Emporium across 28th Ave. from our building. We have paid the back taxes for the property and raised $4,772.00 toward the demolition. About $6,000 remains to be raised by July 30. Please note the bulletin insert and consider how you can join the effort to make this property useful to Jubilee. Questions? See Marvin Floyd.
There will be a communion service next Sunday at Jubilee. Everyone is encouraged to come forward for a blessing. All baptized believers (whether or not officially Jubilee members) are invited to take the bread and the cup. Grapes and crackers will be provided for those anticipating baptism. Questions? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.
Today Jubilee officially welcomes and blesses Joel Beachy as our Youth and Young Adult Minister. God bless your ministry among us, Joel!
A new adult class, Hot Topics, is forming on Wednesday night. This class, which will meet on Bible Study nights, will be a forum for discussion and learning. Topics such as politics, war, and women in leadership will be explored through Bible Study, review of the Mennonite Confession of Faith, and our experiences. If you would like to join the class or to make a suggestion for discussion, see Anita Wansley.
The Valentine's banquet will be held Saturday, February 14, at 6:30. Tickets are $30 per couple. Child care will be provided. Please see any youth to purchase tickets.
Happy Birthday to Allyson Dufour (today), Lula Mae Walker (Feb 4), Cotrina Scott (Feb 4), and Denise Burnside (Feb 7)!