Bulletin info for December 7, 2008
Advent 2
Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Erin Floyd
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
There will be a special offering next Sunday, December 14, for Fishes and Loaves. This ministry to the needy is coordinated by Wesley House and supported by Meridian’s downtown churches. For more information, see Duane Maust.
Jr Youth, come to the progressive supper on Saturday, December 13! We plan to meet and car pool from Cynthia’s house at 4:45 and return by 8:00. Please bring yourself, along with a $5 unisex gift. See Cynthia Clymer with questions.
Ben Schiedel is a Service Adventure volunteer with Mennonite Mission Network in Alaska. The Church Council has set a goal of raising an additional $1,000 for the remainder of Ben’s term. If you would like to help, please designate your gift to the offering to Ben Schiedel support. Questions? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.
Congratulations to Joel & Christine Maust Beachy on the birth of Isaac Lowell!
Happy Birthday to Christi Vivar (Dec 10) and William Colton (Dec 13)!