Bulletin info for December 21, 2008

Advent 4

Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



Everyone is welcome to the potluck meal in the gym immediately following the service. The youth group will do the cleanup to raise funds for their trip to the Mennonite Church Youth Convention in Ohio this summer. They will gladly accept any donations for their cleanup work.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


There will be no men's prayer breakfast on Dec. 26 or Jan. 2. It will resume its regular weekly meeting time on Friday, Jan. 9.

Last week $686 was given towards Fishes and Loaves ministry of Meridian. This ministry to the needy is coordinated by Wesley House and supported by Meridian's downtown churches. For more info, see Duane Maust.

There will be no Believers Classes on December 28 or January 4. Classes will resume with the Young Believers on January 11.

Duane and Elaine Maust will be traveling to Ecuador, December 22-January 3. During this time if you have church concerns or questions and you are not sure who to call, please contact Anita Wansley, (601-482-7995 or 601-527-2794) and she will direct you to the appropriate person.

Everyone is welcome to the potluck meal in the gym immediately following the service. The youth group will do the cleanup to raise funds for their trip to the Mennonite Church Youth Convention in Ohio this summer. They will gladly accept any donations for their cleanup work.

The students at the Community of Hope tutoring program presented Jubilee with a beautiful quilt that they made to express their appreciation for the support that Jubilee gives and the care extended to the students who participate in the program.

Ben Schiedel is a Service Adventure volunteer with Mennonite Mission Network in Alaska. The Church Council has set a goal of raising an additional $1,000 for the remainder of Ben's term. If you would like to help, please designate your gift to the offering to Ben Schiedel support. Questions? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

Happy Birthday to Dianna Schiedel (Dec 22), Anita Wansley (Dec 26), Skeet Topcik (Dec 27), and Brooke Dominici (Dec 27), and Happy Anniversary to John & Bonnie Opel (Dec 26) and Jan & Marvin Reynolds (Dec 26)!