Bulletin info for December 20, 2009

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent, and we light the fourth Advent Candle, which reminds us that God will save!

Everyone is invited to the pot luck meal in the gym following the service.

At the end of the worship service on January 17, the congregation will be asked to vote on a proposed amendment to the Jubilee Church Constitution which would change the quorum requirement at congregational meetings from 50 percent of members to a minimum of 12 members. For details, see the bulletin insert and please see Mike Clymer, congregational chair, if you have further questions.

Please note, there will be no Wednesday night service, Men's Prayer Breakfast, or Believers' Class next Sunday. Questions? Please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

Congratulations to Calisha Danielle Crowell on the birth of her little girl, Ta’Leya McKayla! Little Ta'Leya was born on Thursday.

Last week’s offering: $2,428 (budgeted $1,787.50). Year-to-date: $43,749 (budgeted $35,750).

Happy Birthday to Amy Seibel (today), Dianna Schiedel (Dec 22), Emma Myers (Dec 23), and Anita Wansley (Dec 26), and Happy Anniversary to John & Bonnie Opel (Dec 26) and Jan & Marvin Reynolds (Dec 26)!