Bulletin info for December 16, 2007

Third Sunday of Advent

Worship Leader: Edea Baldwin
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Chris Wansley



Today is the third Sunday of Advent, the time of anticipating Jesus' birth. Our theme this year is The World is about to Turn.

Everyone is welcome to come to the potluck meal in the gym following the service today. The following families are on clean-up duty: Dominici, Martinez, Beachy, and Colton. Questions about clean-up, see Bonnie Opel.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Everyone is invited to join the Christmas Caroling at the nursing home (R.P. White Building on Lakeland Drive) today at 3:30. Childcare will be provided at church after the potluck and they will be transported to the nursing home. Please see Jan Reynolds if you plan to do this. Or you can meet the group at the nursing home at 3:15. Any questions, see Jan.

Join us for Bible Study on Wednesday night. Read Genesis 4 and find out about a fight between the first brothers. See Lisa Shelly for more info.

Anyone—youth, adult, or child—is invited to come for prayer during the healing service next Sunday. We will offer anointing and prayer for spiritual, physical, relational, or emotional healing. If you have questions, please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

Jubilee will begin the new year with a prayer walk. On Sunday afternoon, Jan. 6 at 3:00, we will gather at the church to sing, walk around the building and pray. We will ask God's protection and blessing on a new year of worship and ministry. Questions or suggestions? Talk to Elaine Maust.

Community of Hope Tutoring Program is one of Jubilee's outreach ministries. Right now we are in need of someone who would volunteer to be a “tech support” person for the program director. If you would be willing to assist when computer issues and questions arise, please contact Lisa Shelly.

Copies of Our Faith Digest and Beyond Ourselves have been placed in your mailbox. These are both periodicals affiliated with the Mennonite church.

Happy Birthday to Silas Clymer (Dec 17), Henry Tardo (Dec 18), Buddy Cox (Dec 22), and Dianna Schiedel (Dec 22), and Happy Anniversary to Buddy & Lydia Cox!