Bulletin info for December 14, 2008
Advent 3
Worship Leader: Jeff Landis
Song Leader: Chris Wansley
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
There will be a special offering today for Fishes and Loaves. This ministry to the needy is coordinated by Wesley House and supported by Meridian's downtown churches. For more information, see Duane Maust.
Something big always seems to be happening in the Abraham family. Isaac and Rebecca have twin boys that are colorful characters right from the start! Read Genesis 25 and join us for Bible Study on Wednesday night. A simple meal begins20at 6:00 in the gym and Bible Study follows at 6:30 in the sanctuary. Questions? Talk to Anita Wansley.
Duane and Elaine Maust will be traveling to Ecuador, December 22-January 3. During this time if you have church concerns or questions and you are not sure who to call, please contact Anita Wansley, and she will direct you to the appropriate persons.
The Worship Planning Team meets in the Library this afternoon at 1:30 to plan the next quarter of services at Jubilee. If you have ideas or suggestions for this group, please talk to someone on the Worship Planning Team. Those currently serving: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Calisha Danielle Crowell, Joel Diener, Milli Floyd, Jeff Landis, Nohemi Martinez, Tim Seibel, Anita Wansley, or Duane or Elaine Maust.
In your mailboxes you will find Our Faith Digest and Beyond Ourselves, both publications of the Mennonite Church.
Ben Schiedel is a Service Adventure volunteer with Mennonite Mission Network in Alaska. The Church Council has set a goal of raising an additional $1,000 for the remainder of Ben's term. If you would like to help, please designate your gift to the offering to Ben Schiedel support. Questions? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.
Happy Birthday to Silas Clymer (Dec 17), Henry Tardo (Dec 18), and Amy Seibel (Dec 20)!