Bulletin info for August 5, 2007
Worship Leader: Jeff Landis
Song Leader: Chris Wansley, Theresa Ladnier Chisolm
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
The congregational business meeting on Wednesday, August 15, will be at 6:30 in the sanctuary. We will discuss the proposal from the gifts discernment committee for the church roles for 2007-2008. A copy of this was placed in your mailbox last week. Please review it before the meeting. There is a separate list of people who volunteered to be a Sunday School teacher, serve in the nursery, be a greeter, contribute to the worship services, help trustees with building care, and help with Wed. Bible Study. These lists will be passed to the person who will be coordinating those areas. The transition of accepting responsibility for 2007-08 roles happens Sept. 1st. Any questions, please see Howie Schiedel, congregational chair or Lisa Shelly, Ministry Coordinator.
The church calendar for August has been placed in your mailbox.
You will find the current issue of OurFaith digest in your mailbox. It includes articles on marriage and a new family feature for children.
You are invited to come to Family Camp at Pine Lake Fellowship Camp on Labor Day weekend. Details about the weekend are on the bulletin board. Come for the whole time or any part of it to relax and spend time with others from Gulf States Conference. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
Happy Birthday to Milli Floyd (Aug 7), and Happy Anniversary to Marcus & Fern Diener (Aug 6)!