Bulletin info for August 3, 2008

Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Chris Wansley, Theresa Ladnier Chisolm



Today we begin a four sermon series on Evangelism, which is part of God’s Call for Jubilee. Today’s theme: God is calling people before we give the invitation.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


We are excited about a baptism service on Sunday, August 24 at 3:00 at Pine Lake Camp. Maria Diener, LaQuesha Earl, Amy Seibel, Brian Thompson, and Matthew Tucker will officially give their lives to God and become part of Jubilee that day. Gerri Thompson will become a member that day also. Questions about the service? Talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

Dee and William Colton will officially become members of Jubilee next Sunday. We welcome them with joy. Want to know how you can become a member? See Duane or Elaine Maust.

Information about Family Camp is posted on the bulletin board next to the office. Family Camp is a Gulf States Conference activity on Labor Day weekend at Pine Lake Camp. Everyone is welcome to attend all or any part of the weekend. You only need to make reservations if you’d like to stay overnight. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.

The minutes from the church council meeting on July 23 have been posted on the bulletin board and placed in your mailboxes. Included in these minutes are proposals that will be brought to the congregational meetings this month, as well as the agendas for those meetings. Please contact any council member with questions: Howie Schiedel, Bobby Baldwin, John Opel, Milli Floyd, or Dianna Schiedel.

We are working to keep the Jubilee family bulletin board up to date. If you would like your family picture taken, please see Holly Garrett or Cynthia Clymer after church today or next Sunday, August 10.

The August calendar has been placed in your mailbox.

Please note this new cell/home phone number for Cynthia Clymer: 595-2212.

Happy Birthday to Lynford Seibel (today), Lidieth Gunera (Aug 5), Milli Floyd (Aug 7), Jenna Topcik (Aug 9), and Maddie Topcik (Aug 9), and Happy Anniversary to Marcus & Fern Diener (Aug 6)!