Bulletin info for August 29, 2010

Worship Leader: Joel Beachy
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Family Camp at Pine Lake Camp will be held this weekend, Sept. 3-6. This is a wonderful opportunity for individuals and families to fellowship together, enjoy the wonderful nature at camp, and get away from regular routines. You will be encouraged as you hear stories of God's faithfulness shared at each worship session. See Fern Diener or the flier on the bulletin board for details. There will be no service at Jubilee on Sunday. We are looking for one person to be present here at the church that day to welcome visitors or redirect folks to Pine Lake. If you would enjoy quiet moments here that day, please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust.

It is time to update our Jubilee directory. Please look on the bulletin board outside the office and update your info. Questions, see Anita Wansley.

The Mennonite Mutual Aid toolkit is in your mailboxes. Please read it, and if you have any questions, contact Gerri Thompson. If you have financial concerns, talk to Gerri, and she can help you determine what MMA can do to help.

Today is the last Sunday to contribute to the offering for Gulf States Conference. You may put it in the regular offering marked GSMC. Questions, see Cheryl Landis.

Would you like to learn more about God? Is God inviting you to baptism? Are you ready to give your life to God? Do you wonder what Mennonites believe? New Believers' and Welcome! classes are forming. Please talk to Duane or Elaine Maust for more information.

The Worship Planning Team is meeting on Sunday, September 12 at 1:30 in the library. If you have ideas for worship services, please talk to the Worship Planning Team: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Jeff Landis, Melody Clymer, Dee Colton, Jodi Schiedel, Jan Reynolds, Kelsey Ladnier, or Duane or Elaine Maust.

Check your mailboxes for the September calendar and the new issue of Jubilee’s newsletter, "Where We Are." Learn more about the Stubblefield family, summer camp, VBS, and digging into the Bible. Kids, there’s a prize if you complete the church scavenger hunt!

Offering for 8/22/10: $1,408 (budgeted $2,142). Year to date (8/1/2010-8/22/2010): $7,256 (budgeted $8,568).

Happy Birthday to Tyiesha Earl (Aug 30), Bella Lee (Aug 31), Brittany Wansley (Sep 2), Jayson Chisolm (Sep 5), Dara Dominici (Sep 8), Frank Dardar (Sep 9), and Jorge Vivar (Sep 10)!