Bulletin info for August 26, 2007
Worship Leader: Jeff Landis
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel
We will not have Sunday School or Worship Service here next Sunday. We will join the worship service at Family Camp at Pine Lake, which starts at 10:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to stay at camp for the meal following the service.
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
If you have items for the September calendar, please contact DeeDee Baldwin this week at 601-479-1424.
Children, remember our project with our globe missions banks. We are going to share our money collected with Lilibeth Gunera, who is dealing with a serious illness. Please bring your money on September 9. We want to encourage you to make a card for her – write a note, draw a picture, attach a photo of you or your family, and bring that along with your mission banks. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
You are invited to come to Family Camp at Pine Lake Fellowship Camp on Labor Day weekend. Details and overnight options are on the bulletin board. You can come for the whole weekend or any part of it. All meals are provided by conference churches. The day use of camp is covered by offerings taken during the weekend. There will be worship sessions on Saturday and Sunday mornings at 10:00 and evenings at 6:45. The theme for the weekend is "Experiencing Joy in our Lives." Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
Jubilee is responsible for the Sunday noon meal at Family Camp this year. Jan is organizing this, and we would greatly appreciate everyone’s contributions: either giving money to Jan today (suggested amount is $10-20), or bringing a dessert and telling Jan this so she can plan. Thanks!
Wednesday night Bible Study resumes September 12, with a few changes. At 6:00 we will have a simple supper (ex. soup and crackers or sandwiches) in the gym. We will work on a schedule for preparing the meal, but it will not be potluck. At 6:30 in the sanctuary, we will have music and sharing/prayer, then Bible study, then follow-up discussion and activities with the following groups: nursery for babies through age 3, multi-age groups age 4 - grade 7, and adults. The youth will have their own meeting. We will conclude by sharing with the large group and be finished by 7:30. We meet every other Wednesday. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
Happy Birthday to Nathan Maust (Aug 27), Tyiesha Earl (Aug 30), and Bella Lee (Aug 31)!