Bulletin info for August 22, 2010

Worship Leader: Anita Wansley
Song Leader: Erin Scruggs



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

There will be a canned food offering today to replenish Jubilee's Food Pantry. If you have questions, please talk to Marvin Floyd or Sandra Rush.

Family Camp at Pine Lake Camp will be held Sept. 3-6. This is a wonderful opportunity for individuals and families to fellowship together, enjoy the wonderful nature at PLC, and get away from regular routines for a time of refreshment. You will be encouraged as you hear stories of God's faithfulness shared at each worship session. See Fern Diener or the flier on the bulletin board for details. There will be no service at Jubilee on Sept. 5.

It is time to update our Jubilee directory. Please look on the bulletin board outside the office and update your info. Questions, see Anita Wansley.

Please sign up today if you want to attend the Extraordinary Women's conference in October. For more info, see Anita Wansley.

Please plan to attend this week's congregational business meeting and add your voice to important church business. The meeting starts at 6:30 and childcare will be provided. Questions, see Mike Clymer.

Gulf States Mennonite Conference is struggling to meet its budget during its fiscal year, which ends September 30. Jubilee supports GSMC through our budget, but we would also like to take a special offering to help with GSMC needs. If you want to make a donation for GSMC, you may put it in the regular offering plate marked GSMC anytime in the last three weeks of August. Questions, talk to Cheryl Landis.

If you have info for the September calendar, please contact DeeDee Baldwin this week.

Offering for 8/15/10: $1,044 (budgeted $2,142). Year to date (8/1/2010-8/15/2010): $5,768 (budgeted $6,426).

Happy Birthday to Bonnie Opel (Aug 24), Mobius Stubblefield (Aug 26), Taylor Hopkins (Aug 27), and Nathan Maust (Aug 27)!