Bulletin info for August 2, 2009
Worship Leader: Jeff Landis
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm
This Week at Jubilee...
Everyone is encouraged to attend the congregational meetings scheduled in August. These important discernment times set the course for Jubilee for the coming year. Anyone who attends Jubilee is encouraged to participate and vote (membership is not required). Nursery is provided. For more info, talk to Mike Clymer, congregational chair.
Please contact Anita Wansley, ministry coordinator, for building use reservations and concerns. If you plan to use the building for meetings, etc. please let Anita know and put your event on the building use calendar in the copy room. Thanks for your help in this!
Children, check your mailboxes for the latest edition of Hello, the MCC newsletter for children. Meet Chum Reap Sou, a ten year old from Cambodia. Learn about rice fields and fish fashion!
The tentative list of Jubilee roles for 2009-2010 is in your mailbox today. Please review for the congregational meeting on August 12th. If you have questions, see Anita Wansley or one of the gifts discernment team (Paul, Milli, Duane, Fern, Joel B, and Jeff).
Copies of the minutes from the July meeting of the Jubilee church council are in your mailbox today and posted on the bulletin board.
The August calendar is in your mailbox.
Duane and Elaine will be in Virginia this weekend at their son Nathan’s graduation. The Mausts will return tomorrow.
Happy Birthday to Lynford Seibel (Aug 3), Lidieth Gunera (Aug 5), and Milli Floyd (Aug 7), and Happy Anniversary to Fern & Marcus Diener (Aug 6)!