Bulletin info for August 19, 2007

Worship Leader: Joel Beachy
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Chris Wansley



Everyone is welcome to join us for a potluck meal in the gym following the service! Kitchen clean-up team for this week’s potluck is the Opel, Floyd, and Clymer families.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


You are invited to come to Family Camp at Pine Lake Fellowship Camp on Labor Day weekend. Details about the weekend are on the bulletin board. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.

Jubilee is responsible for the Sunday noon meal at Family Camp this year. Jan is organizing this and will be getting fried chicken, baked beans, etc. We would greatly appreciate everyone’s contributions: either giving money to Jan by Sunday, August 26, or bringing a dessert and telling Jan this so she can plan. Thanks for all your help!

Happy Birthday to Dee Colton (Aug 20) and Bonnie Opel (Aug 25)!