Bulletin info for August 12, 2007

Worship Leader: Jeff Landis
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


The congregational business meeting on Wednesday night will be at 6:30 in the sanctuary, with nursery and supervision for elementary-age children provided. We will discuss the proposal for the 2007-2008 church roles. If you need another copy, see Lisa Shelly. There is a separate list of people who volunteered to teach Sunday School, serve in the nursery, be a greeter, contribute to worship services, help trustees with building care, and help with Bible Study. These lists will be passed to the person coordinating those areas. The transition for 2007-08 roles happens Sept. 1st. Any questions, see Howie Schiedel, congregational chair or Lisa Shelly, Ministry Coordinator.

The summer edition of The Fellowship, newsletter of Gulf States Mennonite Conference, has been placed in your mailbox.

You are invited to come to Family Camp at Pine Lake Fellowship Camp on Labor Day weekend. Details about the weekend are on the bulletin board. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.

Jubilee is responsible for the Sunday noon meal at Family Camp this year. Jan is organizing this and will be getting fried chicken, baked beans, etc. We would greatly appreciate everyone's contributions: either giving money to Jan by Sunday, August 26, or bringing a dessert and telling Jan this so she can plan. Thanks for all your help!

Jubilee invites prayers and financial support for Jacob's Well, a Christian Recovery Center for women in Lucedale, MS. Please make checks payable to Jubilee and note "Jacob's Well donation." For more information, visit jacobswellrecoverycenter.com. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.

Happy Anniversary to Paul & Lisa Shelly (today) and Dewayne & Holly Garrett (Aug 16)!