Bulletin info for April 6, 2008
Sunday School Opening: Joel Beachy
Greeter: Cynthia Clymer
Worship Leader: Jeff Landis
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Chris Wansley
Nursery: Christine Maust Beachy (SS), Lisa Shelly
Today we continue our Red Letter Edition series. During this series, our sermons will explore the teachings of Jesus, and children's stories will feature characters he met along the way.
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
Care Group Leaders will meet at the Maust house tonight at 6:00. Please bring a snack. Child care will be provided. Questions? See Elaine Maust.
Abram's tribe includes his nephew, Lot. Read Genesis 13-14 and find out about a few of the family dynamics and difficulties between these kin folks. Join us for conversation and activities on Wednesday evening.
The Jubilee Retreat is April 18-20 at Pine Lake Camp. See the bulletin insert for the weekend's schedule. You can come any time Friday night through Sunday afternoon. Our Sunday service will be at camp, not here at church. The first meal provided will be Saturday breakfast. To register, contact Cheryl Landis (jclandis3@bellsouth.net or call 601-693-9985 or 604-483-2287). We need you to contact her about overnight lodging and when you plan to be at the retreat so we can get an accurate count in meal preparation. Also, you can fill out the little sheet to easily register for the meals and give it to Cheryl. Hope to see you there! Questions, see Lisa Shelly.
Children and youth ages 7- 17, you can experience a great week of fun and learning about God at Pine Lake Camp this summer! And if you register by April 15, you get a free T-shirt! There are extra summer camp brochures, which have the application, on the table next to the camp bulletin board. Scholarships are available. Contact Lisa Shelly for more information.
The Samaritan Fund has been replenished. Thank you for all the generous contributions that have been made over the past few weeks.
Happy Birthday to Mary Grace Wansley (Apr 11)!