Bulletin info for April 4, 2010
Worship Leader: Elaine Maust
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm
This Week at Jubilee...
Today we thank Dick and Eileen Radstake for their service to God with Jubilee and at Pine Lake Camp during the past months. God bless you, Dick & Eileen.
We are grateful for another wonderful year of Wednesday night Bible Studies at Jubilee. Many thanks to all who led and served each Wednesday evening. Special thanks to coordinator, Anita Wansley. To give your suggestions for next year, please see Anita for an evaluation form.
Jubilee's Vacation Bible School will be July 19-23. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for a wonderful week of learning and growing. 2010 coordinator is Regina Martinez.
Care Group Leaders are invited to the Maust home on Sunday evening, April 11 for a conversation about leadership skills. Please bring a snack and join us at 6:30.
Join the fun April 16-18 when Jubilee enjoys our annual Camp Out at Pine Lake. Please see the bulletin insert and information in your mailboxes. Make sure you fill out the insert and return to Anita Wansley by next Sunday so that we can have a meal count. Special note: Services on Sunday morning, April 18 will be at Pine Lake. There will be no services at Jubilee's building that day. Please invite your friends to join us at Pine Lake. Questions? See Anita.
Summer Camp at Pine Lake is just a few months away! Now's the time to make your donation to Jubilee's Camp Scholarship Fund. Gifts can be marked "camp scholarships" and placed in the offering. If you are interested in going to camp this year but need some financial help to make it possible, see Elaine Maust or Cynthia Clymer.
Please look at the bulletin board outside the office for all the thank-you notes from Jubilee's service week. There are notes from Open Door, Care Lodge, and Mr. Henry and Larry and Jerry Hayes.
Offering for 3/28/10: $1,423 (budgeted $1,787.50). Year-to-date (8/1 – 3/28): $72,588.50 (budgeted $62,562.50).
Happy Birthday to Rachel Seibel (today), Tim Seibel (Apr 5), and April Dardar (Apr 8)!