Bulletin info for April 27, 2008
Ministry Sunday
Sunday School Opening: Joel Beachy
Greeter: Suzanne Opel
Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs
Nursery: Milli Floyd
This Week at Jubilee...
Upcoming Events
We are grateful for a wonderful church retreat at camp last weekend. Thanks to everyone who brought and prepared food, invited others, led activities, and assisted in other ways. We had over 100 people particate throughout the weekend.
All the ladies are invited to a birthday party for Elaine Maust and Jan Reynolds on Tuesday, April 29, at 6:30 at China Buffet 2. Questions, contact Gerri Thompson.
Community of Hope Tutoring Program is still in the process of finding a new program director. The application deadline is May 9, 2008. The job opening announcement is on the bulletin board next to the church office. The search committee would greatly appreciate everyone spreading the word about this opening. Questions, see Christine Maust Beachy.
Jubilee has a scholarship fund to assist children and youth going to Pine Lake Camp. It is an above-budget fund that you can contribute to at any time. Just note on your contribution “camp scholarship fund.” Contact Lisa Shelly if you are in need of financial assistance, or if you know someone who might be.
Please limit announcements made during the church service to ones about church activities. If you are unsure, see Duane or Elaine Maust.
Gulfhaven Mennonite Church invites Jubilee to the Spring Conference on Saturday, May 3. For more info, see the bulletin board. For a ride, talk to Duane Maust.
A mission trip to Nicaragua is being planned from Oct 25-Nov 1 by friends from Gulfhaven. The trip is planned through Missionary Ventures and will include light construction and manual labor. For more info or to join in, talk to Duane Maust.
Jubilee's revival originally planned for May 2008 has been rescheduled for early 2009. Questions? Talk to Elaine Maust.
Happy Birthday to Elaine Maust (Apr 29), Jan Reynolds (Apr 29), and Kendaisha Crowell (May 1)!