Bulletin info for April 25, 2010

Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Today Holly Garrett begins a series of Children's Stories about God's good work in Thailand. Each child will receive a bank to collect coins for Mennonite Mission Network missionaries in Thailand. Children, bring your banks back on May 16 for the next story and a chance to give.

There will be a canned food offering during the offering time. Gifts will be placed in Jubilee's food pantry to share with the community. Questions? See Marvin Floyd or Sandra Rush.

There are many items in the lost and found by the mailboxes. Please check for your items. Any unclaimed items will be donated this week to the youth yard sale!

There will be a congregational meeting led by conference minister Art Smoker this Wednesday night in the Sojourners room from 6:30-7:30 to review a summary of the congregational survey and pastoral review. Everyone is invited.

Everyone is invited to the Spring Gathering of Gulf States Mennonite Conference at Open Door in Jackson this weekend. Questions? Talk to Duane Maust.

Join us in continuing to pray for God's direction for Jubilee's future community service and for Community of Hope. There will be another prayer meeting on Wednesday, May 5 at 6:15, during which we will pray for discernment. Meet in the Sojourner's Room. For more info or to share your ideas, talk to Elaine Maust.

Jubilee's VBS is coming up on July 19-23. There is a responsibility interest poll in your mailbox this morning. Please pray about how you would be willing to help with bible school this summer and return the form to Regi Martinez by May 9. Questions? See Regi or Anita.

Children, check your mailbox for the new edition of Hello!, the newsletter from Mennonite Central Committee. Meet Samantha from Haiti and learn about her life since the earthquake!

Many thanks to all who came to the Jubilee Camp-Out last weekend and for all those who led, cooked, and served in many ways. Do you have ideas or suggestions for our camp-out next year? Please talk to Anita Wansley, ministry coordinator.

Summer Camp at Pine Lake is just a few months away! Now's the time to give to Jubilee's Camp Scholarship Fund. Gifts can be marked "camp scholarships" and placed in the offering. If you're interested in going to camp but need some help, see Elaine Maust or Cynthia Clymer.

Where in the world are the Mennonites? Check out the poster on the bulletin board for a map from Mennonite World Conference, indicating how many Mennonites live in which countries.

Offering for 4/18/10: $715 (budgeted $1,787.50). Year-to-date (8/1 – 4/18): $78,523.50 (budgeted $67,925).

Happy Birthday to Elaine Maust (Apr 29), Jan Reynolds (Apr 29), Kendaisha Crowell (May 1), and Kimberly Stubblefield (May 1)!