Bulletin info for April 13, 2008

Sunday School Opening: Joel Beachy
Greeter: Dewayne Garrett
Worship Leader: Joel Beachy
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs
Nursery: Melody Clymer (SS), Shelly Family



Today we conclude our Red Letter Edition series. During this series, our sermons explored the teachings of Jesus, and children's stories featured characters he met along the way.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


The newly formed church council meets on Wednesday, April 16. Council members are Howie Schiedel, Milli Floyd, John Opel, Dianna Schiedel, and Bobby Baldwin (nominated). If you have any questions or concerns you’d like addressed, contact Howie Schiedel.

The Jubilee Retreat is next weekend, April 18-20, at Pine Lake Camp. Schedules and information about the weekend are on the table next to the stairs. You can come any time Friday night through Sunday aftenoon. Our Sunday service will be at camp, not here at the church. The first meal provided will be Saturday breakfast. To register, contact Cheryl Landis (jclandis3@bellsouth.net or 601-693-9985) for overnight lodging and for which meals you will be present for. Hope to see you there for fun, fellowship, and worship! Questions, see Lisa Shelly.

Children and youth ages 7-17, you can experience a great week of fun and learning about God at Pine Lake Camp this summer! And if you register by April 15, you get a free T-shirt! There are extra summer camp brochures (which have the application) on the camp bulletin board across from the stairs. Financial assistance is available through Jubilee. Contact Lisa Shelly for more information.

Everyone is invited to the concluding celebration of REM (Rebuild East Mississippi) on April 22. See your mailbox for details.