Bulletin info for April 12, 2009


Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Erin Scruggs



There will be no service at the church next Sunday, April 19. We will have our worship service at Pine Lake Fellowship Camp as part of our church retreat. Everyone is welcome to come. If you need directions to camp, please contact Jeff or Cheryl Landis.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Next weekend is our Jubilee Retreat at Pine Lake Camp! If you did not get the schedule and registration form last week, there are more copies on the table in the hallway next to the stairs. It is important to register so we can have an accurate count to adequately plan and prepare meals. Please give this information to Cheryl today. Your only cost is lodging if you plan to stay overnight. Care groups will be preparing the meals. You are welcome to come for all or any part of the weekend. Hope to see you there! Questions, see Cheryl Landis or Lisa Shelly.

Any bulletin announcements for next Sunday need to be given to DeeDee by 9:00 on Friday morning (April 17) because the bulletins will be printed to take to camp Friday afternoon.

If you would be willing to open your home to provide lodging for people from out of town coming to Jubilee May 2-3 for the Gulf States Spring Inspirational Meeting, please tell Cheryl Landis, who will be coordinating lodging for this event.